Ridiculous Posters
More Ghanaian posters for African movies

More Ghanaian posters for African movies

Here are some more Ghanaian posters for African movies. And yes, they are bonkers.
Ghanaian posters for African movies

Ghanaian posters for African movies

These posters are pretty wild to put it mildly. Reoccurring themes start to become apparent. Snakes coming out of vaginas and babies being murdered are prevalent.
Heisei Godzilla posters

Heisei Godzilla posters

My pal Jack Douglas recently posted an image of the magical poster for Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla on my Facebook wall. This reminded me how drool-worthy Japanese posters for the Heisei (mid-80s to mid-90s) era’s Godzilla films were. When I was in Tokyo last year, my partner and I became patrons of a bar called Leo,...
10 misleading Godzilla posters

10 misleading Godzilla posters

I love movie posters that lie. There’s nothing better than seeing a poster for a movie you’ve seen and thinking: “hang on… that doesn’t happen in the film!” It never fails to amuse me how misleading marketing infuriates some of my fellow movie nerd pals. They spit out words like “trash” and “cheap” at the...
Posters from Pakistan

Posters from Pakistan

In my journey to find ridiculous Godzilla posters, I came across some truly insane posters from Pakistan. Unlike the hand-painted and endearing silliness of Ghanaian advertisements or the flat out brilliant painted chaos of Thai posters, these posters are just plain ridiculous. It is almost as if the designers went out of their way to make...