So obviously when you call your film Ozone: The Attack of the Redneck Mutants, you do so with the understanding you are engaging in a certainly level of deliberate b-grade dreck. It stands to reason that when developing imagery to advertise such a film, that imagery will also waltz toward a similar level of b-grade dreck-ed-ness. What we have here, however, strikes me as a glorious union of zero design budget and zero concern. Whoever was charged with designing this VHS cover simply looked through some movie stills and found one that looked vaguely unpleasant. The man being regurgitated upon doesn’t even look like he’s acting – no… this is merely a person responding as one naturally would to another person spitting a mess onto them. Brilliant.

The General

Movie: Ozone: The Attack of the Redneck Mutants
Director: Matt Devien
Country of movie: USA
Year of movie: 1986
Country of VHS: USA