Posts tagged "1996"
Secret toilet passageway

Secret toilet passageway

I can't believe this is my second clip of the week from Stuart Gordon's Space Truckers. I guess it must be a seminal sci-fi masterpiece after all...
Killers (1996)

Killers (1996)

Mike Mendez' Killers is weird. I know that's a common theme around these parts, but, real talk, it's weird.
Wang malfunction

Wang malfunction

Space Truckers is not a well liked film, and it's certainly not Stuart Gordon's finest moment. Still, I'm quite a fan. It has a great cast, solid action, fun effects, and a malfunctioning robot penis. What more could you want?
Seagal destroys a restaurant

Seagal destroys a restaurant

In this infamous sequence from The Glimmer Man, Seagal annihilates a restaurant, its occupants and a cannoli, even going as far to make a concluding smarmy gag about his handiwork to what must have been a very confused person on the other end of the phone.
Holding a fetus hostage in Devil's Woman

Holding a fetus hostage in Devil’s Woman

Though not nearly as offensive as Category III's more famous shockers, Devil's Woman contains one ridiculous and repulsive scene worthy of a jaw drop.