Posts tagged "Australian trash"
Brainblast (1987)

Brainblast (1987)

Junkies, dodgy video effects, and a guy in a frog suit making out with a woman. Hello, Brainblast.
The Return of Captain Invincible (1983)

The Return of Captain Invincible (1983)

With the latest film on the Marvel conveyor belt/money printing machine, Avengers: Age of Ultron, around the corner, it's a good time to review one of Australia's greatest superhero movies, well, one of Australia's two superhero movies – The Return of Captain Invincible.
Houseboat Horror (1989)

Houseboat Horror (1989)

Houseboat Horror is 86 minutes of all-round terrible filmmaking and it is so-bad-it's-good at its finest. Wooden acting, a non-existent plot, scenes with no connection to the story, mullets – it's all there. A must for fans of Australian films and awful horror flicks.