Posts tagged "Kevin Tenney"
Demolition University (1999)

Demolition University (1999)

  DEMOLITION UNIVERSITY 1999, Kevin Tenney If I can offer only one piece of advice to the impressionable youths out there in internet land, it is this: Don’t go to university. Or more importantly, don’t go to university if you are going to study anything that doesn’t lead to a specific vocation. Study to be...
Witchboard (1986)

Witchboard (1986)

When we think of horror film soundtracks from the 80s, there’s a fairly specific blueprint that comes to mind. It would be safe to blame John Carpenter’s seminal score for 1978’s Halloween for this. His synth-driven, undeniably creepy score provided aural inspiration for a decade’s worth of horror. This isn’t to say that Carpenter’s score...