Posts tagged "Latsplotation"
Los hombres piensan sólo en eso (1976)

Los hombres piensan sólo en eso (1976)

Alberto Olmedo y Jorge Porcel. If you’ve been here before, you’ve probably read about them before. It’s hard to believe that I’m tempted to go back to them periodically despite the fact that many of their movies seem like different versions of the same ludicrous plot. However, this Argentinian duo are at the Mount Olympus...
Los Pelotones de Juan Camaney (1990)

Los Pelotones de Juan Camaney (1990)

What do you get when you put together some of the most beloved Mexican comedic actors and throw anything even remotely resembling a plot out the window? The answer is Los Pelotones de Juan Camaney (Juan Camaney’s Platoons). Luis de Alba is without a doubt one of Mexico’s most enduring film and television stars. With...
Los Gatos de las Azoteas (1988)

Los Gatos de las Azoteas (1988)

Last week, we looked at the sociopolitical climate that lead to Mexican cinema creating cine de ficheras, an extremely low budget latsploitation subgenre that basically served to test new, more relaxed censorship laws. Although that came to an end fairly quickly, what came after is still around today. The Mexploitation films of the late 80s...
Bellas de Noche (1975)

Bellas de Noche (1975)

Mexican cinema is full of little treasures. Mexploitation is great and a lot of people are aware of it, but the genre has an offspring that fewer people know about and that many wish to keep that way. Cine de ficheras, also known as sexicomedias, is a genre that sprouted in Mexico around 1976 and...
Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas (1978)

Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas (1978)

Many film fanatics are familiar with Mexi-horror thanks to the plethora of classic lucha libre films that inundated the market from the early 1950s to the early 1980s. Those films usually incorporated things like mummies, vampires, robots, werewolves, and aliens, but they were more action and feel-good films than horror. However, underneath those very popular...