Posts tagged "Trash"
Body Shop - US VHS cover

Body Shop – US VHS cover

Take this glorious cover for Body Shop. It's not quite right, is it? The face is out of proportion. Those fingers aren't quite long enough. So why does it look so good?
Guru, the Mad Monk (1970)

Guru, the Mad Monk (1970)

Those already well-versed in his sadistic stylings of Andy Milligan will lap up Guru, the Mad Monk. It features the requisite mean-spirited dialogue, entertaining performances, sick and silly acts of depravity, and a loving relationship between a mad monk and his hunchback.
Young Einstein (1988)

Young Einstein (1988)

It was only a matter of time before this happened… before my childhood was dredged up in this way. The stories I could tell you about me and the Yahoo Serious trash classic, ‘Young Einstein’. It resides in a rare category of childhood film that I was obsessed by and watched repeatedly. If you were...
The exploding hookers of Frank Henenlotter's Frankenhooker

The exploding hookers of Frank Henenlotter’s Frankenhooker

The following scene from Frank Henenlotter’s underrated 1990 gem, ‘Frankenhooker’ has been a favourite of mine since my teenage years. ‘Frankenhooker’ concerns the plight of a Frankensteinian medical student, Jeffrey, whose girlfriend is decapitated in a horrific accident. Being the medical whiz he is, Jeffrey sets out to rebuild his girlfriend’s body using parts from...