Los hombres piensan sólo en eso (1976)
Alberto Olmedo y Jorge Porcel. If you’ve been here before, you’ve probably read about them before. It’s hard to believe that I’m tempted to go back to them periodically despite the fact that many of their movies seem like different versions of the same ludicrous plot. However, this Argentinian duo are at the Mount Olympus...

Los Pelotones de Juan Camaney (1990)
What do you get when you put together some of the most beloved Mexican comedic actors and throw anything even remotely resembling a plot out the window? The answer is Los Pelotones de Juan Camaney (Juan Camaney’s Platoons). Luis de Alba is without a doubt one of Mexico’s most enduring film and television stars. With...

Tres Mexicanos Ardientes (1986)
Gilberto Martínez Solares is known as one of Mexico’s most prolific filmmakers. As national cinema grew in the 40s and 50s, Solares was one of the names behind the growth, wearing a multiplicity of hats that included actor, director, cinematographer and screenwriter. While he wrote and directed almost every genre conceivable, I think Solares’ legacy...

As Cangaceiras Eróticas (1974)
Cangaço was the name given to a form of social banditry (think Robin Hood) that became popular in the Northeast of Brazil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, in the hands of Brazilian exploitation director Roberto Mauro, cangaço becomes a vehicle for action, fun, and plenty of sexy ladies in skimpy outfits...

Tres lancheros muy picudos (1989)
If you condensed all the wonderful, beachy cheesiness of Magnum, P.I. and mixed it with all the unnecessary amount of skin shown on Silk Stalkings‘ eight seasons, you’d still wouldn’t have half of what Tres lancheros muy picudos (Three very clever boatmen) brings to the screen. This 1989 film by Mexican writer, producer and director...

El Día de los Albañiles (1984)
If you have even the slightest interest in latsploitation, it’s only a matter of time before you come across El Día de los Albañiles (The Day of the Bricklayers). Released in 1984, this film embodies everything that was “wrong” with Mexican cinema in the 1980s. However, the film managed to become somewhat popular and was...

La mujer de mi padre (1968)
A few weeks ago I looked at Armando Bó’s Una viuda descocada, a latsploitation classic from 1980 that features the director’s lifelong lover and muse, Argentinian actress and model Isabel Sarli. The back story on Bó and Sarli was almost as interesting as the breast-centric flesh extravaganza that was the film. In fact, it was...

Custodio de señoras (1979)
Alberto Olmedo and Jorge Porcel were a famous comedic duo from Argentina that were known for the exploitation/adventure comedies. Although we have already visited them in this space, Porcel was also incredibly successful on his own as a latsploitation actor and made as many films by himself as he did with his usual partner in...

Una viuda descocada (1980)
Latsploitation is a multi-headed beast, and sometimes one of those heads uncannily resembles a distant cousin. For me, Italian exploitation icon Tinto Brass’ Cheeky is the perfect derriere-centric film, and Argentinian Armando Bó’s Una viuda descocada (A brazen widow) is its breast-centric Latin American counterpart. Una viuda descocada Argentina, 1980, Armando Bó As far...

Delirios de um Anormal (1978)
Any fan of horror or exploitation worth his salt has at least heard of Coffin Joe. Loosely translated from his Portuguese nickname, Zé do Caixão, Coffin Joe is how most people know José Mojica Marins, a Brazilian filmmaker, actor and screenwriter. The Coffin Joe character was created in the early 1960s, but Mojica Marins’ career...

Los Gatos de las Azoteas (1988)
Last week, we looked at the sociopolitical climate that lead to Mexican cinema creating cine de ficheras, an extremely low budget latsploitation subgenre that basically served to test new, more relaxed censorship laws. Although that came to an end fairly quickly, what came after is still around today. The Mexploitation films of the late 80s...

Bellas de Noche (1975)
Mexican cinema is full of little treasures. Mexploitation is great and a lot of people are aware of it, but the genre has an offspring that fewer people know about and that many wish to keep that way. Cine de ficheras, also known as sexicomedias, is a genre that sprouted in Mexico around 1976 and...