Party Camp (1987)
I thought there was no such thing as an 80s teen sex comedy I couldn't enjoy. Even at [what I thought was] their worst, their energy, gratuity and downright stupidity kept me entertained. This was yesterday. Before I watched Party Camp. Fuck.

School Spirit (1985)
We'll never get a movie like School Spirit again. And while that's probably a good thing, it's hard not to enjoy its total lack of scruples and singular goal to titillate and entertain in the trashiest and cheapest way possible.

Spring Break (1983)
Spring Break is relentless tits, beer swilling, tanning lotion, and urinating. Everything is filtered through that special sort of hedonistic lens that ceased to exist once the 90s rolled by. It's the perfect 80s teen sex comedy, and I love the shit out of it.

Loose Screws aka Screwballs II (1985)
It was like aliens with no understanding of human beings had recreated a school counsellor's transcripts of male teenage fantasies through film and using the 80s as an aesthetic reference. Loose Screws is a fucking nightmare. It is amazing.

The Underachievers (1987)
Random boobies in the first 15 minutes? Check. Food fight? Check. A last chance to save the school in a random sports stand-off? Check. Unnecessary car chase? Check. A third act turnaround where the underdogs go from zero to heroes? Of course!

Music videos with bits from movies in them
If there is one thing that really gets my nostalgia gland pumping Camembert throughout my girlish frame, it is a music video featuring clips from teen/cheese movies of a bygone era. That bygone era, of course being the era of my childhood: the 80s and to a lesser extent the early 90s. After the early...

Bad Boys (1983)
BAD BOYS USA, 1983, Rick Rosenthal Over a decade before The Fresh Prince and Big Momma’s House teamed up to make the somewhat gritty, action, buddy comedy of the same title, there was this movie. The Bad Boys of 1983 differs quite drastically from the one more recently directed by Michael Bay. For starters,...

Corey Feldman
Corey Feldman, star of The Goonies, The Lost Boys and The ‘Burbs has a lot to offer the world and isn’t afraid to show it. This week, with the aid of YouTube, I present to you, the all singing, all dancing Corey Feldman. I really feel little else needs to be said. Thanks, Corey and...

Demolition University (1999)
DEMOLITION UNIVERSITY 1999, Kevin Tenney If I can offer only one piece of advice to the impressionable youths out there in internet land, it is this: Don’t go to university. Or more importantly, don’t go to university if you are going to study anything that doesn’t lead to a specific vocation. Study to be...

My Tutor (1983)
MY TUTOR 1983, George Bowers Matt Lattanzi, who played some guy called Brad in Grease 2, stars in this thoroughly mediocre teen sex comedy from the early days of the 80s. Light on the funnies, boobs and all that other stuff that makes 80s cinema great, My Tutor delivers little worth remembering. Except for one...

Tomboy (1985)
TOMBOY 1985, Herb Freed Based on the cover and tagline, Tomboy looks like the kind of movie your sister would have borrowed at the video store in the late 1980’s expecting a gentle romantic comedy in the vein of John Hughes and been sorely disappointed. Alternatively, a teenage boy whose disappointed sister happened to hire...