Mondo Exploito is on holiday!
Mondo Exploito is wrapping up for 2014 and taking a much needed break! We'll see you in February!

Don’t Open Till Christmas (1984)
Don't Open Till Christmas is both mind-numbing and exhilarating. It is an incomprehensible train-wreck trapped in a frustrating dream that goes nowhere, but with all the sleaze, boobs, and bloodied Santa outfits, I forgot to care.

Black Christmas – US poster
The original US one-sheet for Black Christmas is a cracker. It wraps one of the creepiest moments from the film in jarring Christmas cheer. The tagline is also perfect: If this picture doesn't make your skin crawl... it's on TOO TIGHT. YES!

Worst prank ever
This moustachioed dickhead has to be among the worst heroes in cinema history. Generally, the horror movie prankster has the good sense to quit with the pranks once it becomes apparent that people have actually died. Not Deepak Parashar.

Bemlar (ベムラー Bemurā)
Bemlar may not be Ultraman's most exciting adversary, but, in the Ultra series history books, he is perhaps the most important one. Bemlar is the first giant monster to have the living snot beaten out of him by Japan's favourite Protector of Earth and Slaughterer of Mindless Monsters.

New Wave Hookers – US poster
The New Wave Hookers series became quite popular in the mid-eighties and still enjoys a certain cult following. The content of the films in question is not as important to my designer mind as the posters.

Bruce Willis punches up Vernon Wells
So why I am featuring a clip from a mediocre film starring Bruce Willis on Mondo Exploito? Well, on the receiving end of Bruce's beating is none other than Australia's second best man, Vernon Wells!

The Roller Blade Seven (1991)
After a lifetime of being brainwashed by Hollywood into thinking we know what a good movie looks like, sometimes you just need to see something so radically the opposite of professionally made to realign our karmic balance.