Autopsy aka The Victim – US poster
This poster for Armando Crispino's 1975 Giallo Autopsy (aka The Victim) is beautifully executed. I particularly love the circular motif used for the O.

The best way to convince your sister to marry you is to give her a bear
ATOR: The Fighting Eagle teaches the viewer many vital lessons about how one should approach common life scenarios. Case in point: watch how Ator carefully broaches the topic of an incestuous marriage with his sister by first offering her a bear.

Weird porny Japanese trailer I found on a sticky old tape
I totally forgot about Clip of the Week today. I'm in the middle of shooting a feature, so you'll have to forgive me. Anyway, I dug through my piles of garbage and pulled out this confusing porny trailer.

Corruption (1983)
Wow. Corruption is fucking incredible. Dripping with style, the film is shot with atmospheric lighting and beautifully framed images. The pacing is slow, but, with its considered editing, Watkins creates a seriously unnerving tone that seems to give a sad middle finger to 80s corporate culture.

I Am a Ghost – US poster
In general, I don't tend to spruik modern movie posters because flashy modern designs rarely work for me, but this is a case of a modern design embracing the vintage look that I still, no matter how grating others are starting to find it, love.

How to react to your husband’s dead body
Urban Flesh is a thoroughly entertaining piece of trash. It is an admirable effort made with clear passion and talent, but it still (thankfully) features those moments of absurd acting you hope for in an ultra low budget feature.

Ebirah (エビラ Ebira)
Most Godzilla adversaries are very alien and fantastical in design. King Ghidorah is a three-headed, laser-beam-firing dragon. Hedorah is a giant slab of sludge. Mothra doesn't look like a moth. But Ebirah is a much more earthly monster. He's a giant lobster.

Mothra vs. Godzilla – Japanese re-release poster
This advertisement is far from the usual beautifully rendered information-overload of a typical Godzilla poster. Its almost childlike artwork, reminiscent of the work of Shigeru Mizuki, is as endearing as it is befuddling.

Alice Cooper blows a guy’s head off with a shotgun
How many films can claim they feature Alice Cooper blowing a guy's head off with a shotgun? Probably just Monster Dog. Thanks, Claudio.

Samarang aka Shark Woman (1933)
With a lack of synched sound so jarring to a modern audience, it's often difficult to get in the right mindset to watch a silent film, but Samarang is so fluffy and pulpy that it's impossible not to enjoy.

Father’s Day – Japanese chirashi
While in Tokyo last year, I watched Manborg in a mainstream Shinjuku cinema. Unfortunately, we left the country before we could see the hilarious Father's Day, but I nabbed a small chirashi sized poster from the rack of flyers.