KTL scores The Phantom Carriage
Victor Sjöström’s 1921 film, The Phantom Carriage is a masterpiece of atmospheric cinema, pushing forward the art of special effects and narrative structure. The mood it created set a benchmark that filmmakers still look up to today. This film provided the perfect canvas in which to provide musical accompaniment, and until 2008, the accompaniment was what one...

Tough and Deadly (1995)
My girlfriend has a four-disc DVD set of the famed Billy Blanks Tae Bo workouts. Apparently Blanks is quite the celebrity in Japan – or at least was in the early 2000s – and she had picked up the DVDs while living there. I sat in on a few workout sessions. They were hard work,...

Kiss of the Damned – US poster
Perusing one of my favourite blogs, Fascination: The Jean Rollin Experience, and salivating at news of upcoming Jean Rollin blu-ray releases, I came across the trailer and poster for a film titled Kiss of the Damned. At first glance, I assumed the poster was for a Rollin film, perhaps under a different title, but then,...

Hallucination scene in Fortress
About a week ago, I was chatting with Mondo’s head honcho, Dave, about the film, Fortress, which he had just posted a review of. I hadn’t read the review in question yet, so immediately assumed it was the 1992 film of the same name starring the inimitable, Christopher Lambert. We had been discussing it for...

Red King (レッドキング Reddo Kingu)
NAME: Red King (レッドキング Reddo Kingu) FIRST APPEARS IN: Ultraman, Episode 8: The Lawless Monster Zone DESIGN FEATURES: – corncob neck – tiny, tiny face – handsome smile SKILLS: – murdering Pigmon – tearing off Dorako’s wings (leading to his death) – having his severed head flown into space by Ultraman – relentless aggression MONSTER...

Belladonna of Sadness (1973)
Eiichi Yamamoto is probably most famous for his child friendly Battleship Yamamoto series as well as a very successful Astro Boy movie. However between the two in 1973 he directed and co-wrote the movie Belladonna of Sadness. Based on “The Witch” by Jules Michelet and considered to be one of the earliest animated pinku films,...

Le segrete esperienze di Luca e Fanny (1980)
I have to confess that my knowledge of classic hardcore porn, especially of the European variety, is pretty pathetic. Shameful, I know. My knowledge is so embarrassingly poor that, up until only a few years ago, I had no idea that Brigitte Lahaie – the French porn star of the 70s – had anything to...

Marked for Death – Ghanaian poster
Ahhh, Steven Seagal and Ghanaian movie posters – two of my favourite things in the world – together in perfect harmony… Movie: Marked for Death Director: Dwight H. Little Country of movie: USA Year of movie: 1990 Country of poster: Ghana

Horrible dubbing in Seagal’s Attack Force
The best thing about bad ADR in a Steven Seagal DTV vehicle is that they don’t even bother to get someone that sounds like him. By far the worst (best) of Seagal’s ill-matched post-production voices can be heard in the amazingly shit Attack Force (2006). There’s so many great scenes of shoddy ADR that I...

Fortress (1985)
WARNING: I’ve tried not to give away any specific details, but some sections of this article may border on spoilers. Even as an Australian, I can appreciate the Aussieness of kids in Australian films from the 1980s. While hearing “streuth” and “bloody oath” in films normally makes my fucking skin crawl, there’s something endearing about...

The Sound of Horror
Today I thought, rather than pour focus on one particular score of composer, I’d take a little tour of scores from the horror genre. The idea is to simply sit back and listen. I will list the composer of each should you want to explore them further. The horror film is one wherein the music...

Jaws in Japan (2009)
The impudently titled Jaws in Japan has a horrendous rating on IMDB – a shocking 1.9. The film has become somewhat infamous amongst lovers of sharksploitation for its audacious false advertising. Jaws in Japan – or Psycho Shark, as it was retitled in America for obvious legal reasons – may feature a shark on its...