Massacre at Central High aka Sexy Jeans – Italian poster
This is one of those astonishing curiosities that boggles my mind in the best possible way. The italian poster for Massacre at Central High has literally NOTHING to do with the film and has been hilariously re-titled Sexy Jeans.

The Invisible Maniac kills a guy with a submarine sandwich
The Invisible Maniac features someone getting killed by a submarine sandwich. And it's easily the best part of this shitty, shitty movie.

Dora Minotaur (ドーラミノタウロス Dōra Minotaurosu)
As someone who grew up loving the original incarnation of Power Rangers, it's a real mind fuck to see familiar footage in its true setting. Familiar footage like Mighty Minotaur, or, as he was known in Kyouryu Sentai Zyuranger, Dora Minotaur.

The Killer Robots! Crash and Burn (2016)
I watched a robot shoot a hologram to death. That's what I did today.

Hear No Evil aka City Dragon – German poster
This poster suggests awesome one-liners, action, sleaze and explosions. Let's just pretend that's what the movie is actually like.

Vampire boob skewer
Even if you don't dig Doctor Vampire's jarring mix of genres, it's hard not to appreciate its more insane moments, like a reanimated corpse running around with a boner and, in the case of this week's clip, a vampire getting her boobs skewered.

The Lords of Magick (1989)
I’ve watched this twice now and I still can’t figure out why it exists. It isn’t the worst film I’ve ever seen, but it’s not far off either.

Sex, Lies and Videotape – Polish poster
I liked this poster of the week so much that I pushed ahead with it, even when I couldn't find anything with a resolution I was comfortable with.

Turkish Captain America beats up some goons
Turkey's interpretation of its three famous titular characters is a fucking delight, especially Captain America who is just a regular guy in a silly outfit who punches the crap out of goons.

Sharks’ Treasure (1975)
Sharks' Treasure is the most off-putting, jarring cinematic nightmare I've seen in some time. And I'm not even sure if that's a bad thing.

Molester’s Train – Japanese poster
Molesting people on trains. It seems like it would be an absurdly specific fetish yet it spawned an entire sub-genre of pink films. We live in a strange and hilarious world.

Words of wisdom from Steven Seagal’s daddy
Here are some words to live your life by from True Justice, Seagal's super shitty TV show (yes, way shittier than Lawman).