TAETER CITY: Take a Tour in the City of Cannibal Dictatorship (2012)
If you're turned off by gore, you're given about three seconds to leave before shit hits the fan. If that's your thing, you've got about 80 minutes of spraying blood and crushed skulls ahead of you.

Sanda (サンダ) & Gaira (ガイラ)
With their humanoid design, Gaira and Sanda are unique in the world of kaijū cinema. They have distinct personalities, making them far more interesting than your average destructive force of nature.

Compañeros – US poster
This poster is just ridiculous nonsense. Look at that gun! Look at the inexplicable severed head! How could one not be desperate to watch this movie after encountering a poster such as this?

Zatoichi eats a rock
Sometimes Zatoichi is a total blind bad-ass and cuts down like a thousand guys with his sword. Sometimes, as seen in in Zatoichi Challened, Zatoichi eats rocks then regurgitates them back into his mouth to teach weird, confusing lessons to cackling shitty children.

Foodfight! (2012)
Foodfight is a completely inexplicable film. Ten years, $65 million, a stellar cast and the misguided vision of an industry veteran has resulted in an ugly, ridiculous mess that shouldn’t have made it to release, but I’m glad it did.

Gore-met, Zombie Chef from Hell – VHS cover
Gore-met's video cover brings back waves of nostalgia. I remember seeking it out every time my parents and I visited the local video store, staring at it from a safe distance.

Brion James nightmare
The late Brion James was brilliant and out of control in everything he was in, but his role in House III: The Horror Show is particularly spectacular. Check out this incredibly insane nightmare sequence that features James decapitating a child and dressing in drag.

Trapped in Lust (1973)
Trapped in Lust is exactly the sort of pink film that got me interested in the genre in the first place. From its super cool poppy soundtrack that always kicks in at the right moment to its swaggering leading man, this is a film dripping in style.

Bunny Lake Is Missing – UK poster
While Otto Preminger may not be an obscure name in the world of cinema, I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to feature the post for his 1965 film Bunny Lake Is Missing.

Demon lady in Wicked City
Hong Kong's live action adaptation of Wicked City is a bit hit-or-miss, but it does have a handful of incredible moments. This scene featuring a demented demon lady is certainly one of those moments.