The Birth of the Devil… Bollywood style!
I must confess, I've been really warming to Bollywood horror of late, in particular the films by the great Ramsay brothers.

Violated Angels (1967)
Violated Angels takes a similar approach to Wakamatsu's The Embryo Hunts in Secret. Both take place almost entirely in a single location, and both are viciously misanthropic.

American Werewolf in London – Japanese poster
A poster I have in my collection that no one else seems to like is this ridiculous Japanese poster for American Werewolf in London. I suppose it is a little intense...

Evil microwave makes fat guy bubble
Nothing dates a film like a film that features the internet. That's why more films should feature the internet. Ghost in the Machine is one of those films.

666 (Beware the End is at Hand) 1 & 2 (2007)
A horned Lucifer screams, "I am Lucifer! I rule the Earth!" encouraging his demonic disciples to laugh manically as the audio peaks and distorts horribly. An appropriate opening considering the majority of 666 consists of poorly recorded screaming and laughing.

Back in Action (1993)
Roddy Piper joins wooden Billy Blanks. Wooden would be praise. Wood has grains and knots. In other words wood has character. Blanks is more like a muscled shirtless slab of fuming MDF. But Blanks makes up for his acting by turning Back in Action into his own kicking rampage.

Wake in Fright – Czech poster
This Czechoslovakian vision of the outback is perfectly in tune with the themes of Kotcheff's stressful, sweaty masterpiece.

Best worst ending to a movie ever?
I'm a big, big Lucio Fulci fan, but even I can admit that he's made a few stinkers, the worst of which being The Sweet House of Horrors.

The Murder Secret (1988)
Fans of Fulci will get a big kick out of this. It is very much in tune with the madness he spurted out in the late 80s and early 90s. And it's really, really gory.

More Ghanaian posters for African movies
Here are some more Ghanaian posters for African movies. And yes, they are bonkers.

The Savage Bees – US poster
The inherent awesomeness speaks for itself. THIS is how you make a movie poster.

Punches galore in Killing Machine trailer
Killing Machine's trailer features an absurd amount of blood-spitting violence including face-punches, teeth smashing, tomato crushing and even a gunshot to the mouth!