Mondo Exploito is on holiday!
Hey folks. Just a quick message to say Mondo Exploito is on holiday till January 26th!

Elves (1989)
If you're struggling to find a movie to watch this Christmas, ditch all the usual schmaltzy garbage and grab yourself a copy of Elves. I can almost guarantee it's the only film in existence that culminates with an elf attempting to rape the leading lady.

Plughead Rewired: Circuitry Man II (1994)
Vernon Wells was never a good actor. In fact, you could say he's one of the worst actors to have ever graced cinema. But what you get with a Vernon Wells performance isn't acting. It's art.

Death by Invitation – US poster
I had never heard of Death by Invitation and still, beyond the beautiful poster, know nothing about it. I have asked Dave to report back on the film's merits (or lack thereof) post haste. In the mean time, just take a look at this pretty thing.

You’re mad, ya bastard!
Wake in Fright is so full of brilliant moments it's difficult to pinpoint only one, but this exchange towards the end of the film is pretty fantastic.

Voices from Beyond (1991)
Fulci's latter day efforts hold a special place in his filmography; their low budgets and hazy photography pushing them into an entirely new realm of weird. The best of Fulci's final work is his penultimate effort: Voices from Beyond.

The Pink Panther Strikes Again – Czech poster
I know the Pink Panther movies are a little too classy to appear on Mondo Exploito, but I couldn't help but share this scan of the Czech poster for The Pink Panther Strikes Again.

Jess Franco plays with a chicken head
I'm a huge fan of A Virgin Among the Living Dead. There are many reasons why, and one of them is the role director Jess Franco gives himself: a horrible creep whose vocal abilities consist only of incomprehensible wails and grunts.

Corruption (1968)
While it's certainly not Peter Cushing's classiest role, he still manages to bring his trademark integrity to the part making it one of his most unconventional performances and thus creating a totally unique and worthwhile film experience.

Teenage Hooker Becomes a Killing Machine (2000)
Shot on DV, Teenage Hooker Becomes a Killing Machine has the feel of an ambitious student film with ideas above its station... or possibly just a professional movie gone horribly awry.

The Long Goodbye – German poster
This German poster for Robert Altman’s 1973 classic, The Long Goodbye, encapsulates everything I love about retro cool. It is about as minimal as a poster can be. The bold yellow bolsters the black and white detail and the whole thing is gloriously lo-fi. The cut and paste DIY aesthetic is pulled of flawlessly and...

Sexy banana dance
The sexiest use of food in a sexy dance since Vixen picked up a fish, SS Camp 5: Women's Hell chooses a banana as its weapon of choice in seducing a scummy SS guard.