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Abby - US poster

Abby – US poster

I find this poster for the 1974 film Abby enormously unsettling. There's not much else to say.
Sound of My Voice - US poster

Sound of My Voice – US poster

I don't make a habit of sharing recent film posters, but this effort for 2011's Sound of My Voice is just too darn pretty and well executed.
The Laughing Woman - US poster

The Laughing Woman – US poster

Where would we be without the whimsical joy if Italian sexploitation? This US poster contains so many design elements that I respond to, it's a surprise I haven't already featured it here.
The Now People - US poster

The Now People – US poster

I stumbled across this poster earlier today while searching for old Herschell Gordon Lewis posters. I'm not sure what the relationship between this poster and HGL is (if any), but it immediately caught my eye.
Woman Doctors aka Ärztinnen - Polish poster

Woman Doctors aka Ärztinnen – Polish poster

I never attempt to hide my obsession with Czech film posters. They are so visually inventive and utterly distinctive. The below poster for 1984's Woman Doctors (Ärztinnen) is case in point.
Remembering Riz Ortolani

Remembering Riz Ortolani

With over 200 composer credits to his name, it's safe to say very few of us have had the pleasure of hearing Ortolani's entire body of work, but even just taking in the highlights is enough to illustrate his immense importance.
Death by Invitation - US poster

Death by Invitation – US poster

I had never heard of Death by Invitation and still, beyond the beautiful poster, know nothing about it. I have asked Dave to report back on the film's merits (or lack thereof) post haste. In the mean time, just take a look at this pretty thing.
The Long Goodbye - German poster

The Long Goodbye – German poster

This German poster for Robert Altman’s 1973 classic, The Long Goodbye, encapsulates everything I love about retro cool. It is about as minimal as a poster can be. The bold yellow bolsters the black and white detail and the whole thing is gloriously lo-fi. The cut and paste DIY aesthetic is pulled of flawlessly and...
Twins of Evil - French poster

Twins of Evil – French poster

Dave reviewed 1971's Hammer classic, Twins of Evil back in 2012, but I thought it was worth highlighting this stunning French poster for the film. Wow.
Las Lobas del Ring (She Wolves of the Ring) - Mexican poster

Las Lobas del Ring (She Wolves of the Ring) – Mexican poster

It should come as no surprise that this gorgeously illustrated poster for 1965's Las Lobas del Ring would be included on Mondo Exploito. The real surprise is that it didn't appear sooner. It's trashy in the best possible way. Lurid, colourful, mysterious. What's not to love?
The Savage Bees - US poster

The Savage Bees – US poster

The inherent awesomeness speaks for itself. THIS is how you make a movie poster.
Satan's Slave - US poster

Satan’s Slave – US poster

There's not a lot to say about this poster. It just looks great.