Watermelon massacre
If Mr. Majestyk taught me anything it is do not... I repeat... do not fuck with Charles Bronson's watermelons.
Percy the Pimp receives a beat down
Act of Vengeance — or, as it's more obnoxiously known, The Rape Squad — is a bizarre and confused mess of a film. It plays up its feminist elements, but, at the same time, is insanely sleazy and gratuitous. In other words, it's a must see.
Screaming fighter from Sister Street Fighter
Sister Street Fighter offers a plethora of increasingly outrageous villains for Sue Shiomi and Sonny Chiba to plough their way through. My favourite from the line-up is this nunchuck-wielding screeching loon.
Teenage Milkmaid – US poster
Will you get a load of that tagline! It really seems like quite a stretch to me... Project a vaguely erotic notion on the concept of milkmaids and then see how far such a spurious notion can be pushed.
Sweet Movie – German poster
Dusan Makavejev's Sweet Movie is the epitome of a divisive film. It also happens to be a personal favourite of mine, mixing the evocative with the funny, intense and plain gross.
Beyond Erotica – US poster
I stumbled across this poster a couple of days ago while searching for something completely unrelated. I fell in love immediately.
Abby – US poster
I find this poster for the 1974 film Abby enormously unsettling. There's not much else to say.
Seytan – Turkish poster
This Turkish poster for Seytan (The Exorcist) is one of the most visually exhausting things I’ve ever seen, which, in it’s own way, makes it beautiful. Movie: Seytan Director: Metin Erksan Country of movie: Turkey Year of movie: 1974 Country of poster: Turkey
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
So much has been said about Tobe Hooper’s classic 1974 film, ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ that there is very little I can add to the discussion. One thing that is unmistakable is the impact it has had on our culture as a whole. Filmed for a paltry $300,000 budget, and grossing over 30 million in...
Jack the Ripper Goes West aka A Knife for the Ladies (1974)
I was torn about whether or not I should write about this borefest from 1974. There’s really very little going for it, and although it’s less than an hour long, the time drags intolerably. Originally known by it’s much better title, ‘A Knife for the Ladies’, the film was rebranded ‘Jack the Ripper Goes West’...