Red Room (1999) & Red Room 2 (2000)
The flat out absurdity and unabashed goofiness of the Red Room films mean that they sit outside the world of truly soul-destroying Japanese films like the Guinea Pig series. Yamanouchi just can't play things straight. In the past this has worked against him. Here, it works.
Absurd tongue torture in Japanese Hell
Jigoku is two unfinished films mashed awkwardly into one, and the results are as messy as you'd expect. The absurdity hits its peak towards the end of the film where we watch a bunch of evil assholes get tongue tortured.
Biotherapy (1986)
Biotherapy made me wish that more splattery horror films were 35 minutes. Gone are long-winded scenes of padding used to reach the usual 90 minute mark. The film is left with its bare essentials: death and shouting.