Red Room (1999) & Red Room 2 (2000)
The flat out absurdity and unabashed goofiness of the Red Room films mean that they sit outside the world of truly soul-destroying Japanese films like the Guinea Pig series. Yamanouchi just can't play things straight. In the past this has worked against him. Here, it works.
Eyecatch Junction (1991)
Eyecatch Junction is an accessible, non-offensive (well, mildly offensive) bit of fluff. It's also a valuable insight into one of Japan's most interesting filmmakers.
Guzoo: The Thing Forsaken by God – Part I (1986)
Based on the horrific VHS cover, you'd expect Guzoo to be a nasty, nihilistic bonanza of gore and depravity. It isn't. I should have learned by now not to judge a Japanese video tape by its cover.
Kyoko vs. Yuki (2000)
Love him or hate him, there’s no denying that Daisuke Yamanouchi is consistent. From watching his more infamous videos – titles like Red Room, Mu Zan E and Girl Hell 1999 all produced in his oddly busy year of 1999 – it’s clear that the man knows what he likes. I have a lot of...