This is the end, my friends
If you've been following our Facebook or if you've read our last couple of posts, you'll know that Mondo Exploito is closing its doors. This is, in fact, the last ever post.

RIP Andrzej Żuławski
Żuławski helped introduce the world to the rich tapestry of cinematic expression occurring in Eastern Europe and for that, I am personally very thankful.

Mondo Exploito is on holiday!
Aaaand that's 2015 done! Mondo Exploito will be taking a break over January. We'll be back in February to stuff your brains full of more filth and stupidity.

Mondo Exploito is on holiday!
Mondo Exploito is wrapping up for 2014 and taking a much needed break! We'll see you in February!

Mondo Exploito is on holiday!
Hey folks. Just a quick message to say Mondo Exploito is on holiday till January 26th!

Happy End (1967)
A severed head opens his eye before being carried to the guillotine that severed it… and thus ends, Oldrich Lipský’s audacious Happy End (aka Onnellinen Loppu), a film like no other, even within the purview of the Czech New Wave. You see, Happy End is a film that takes place completely in reverse, and by that I mean all the...

Czech New Wave film posters
Often the most suppressed environments yield the greatest examples of artistic expression. When there’s an oppressive force to legitimately kick against, every opposing shout rings with more vehemence. Consider Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. Having been under a none-too-popular communist regime since the late forties, there was plenty to be upset about. The economy was in collapse, food...

The Art of Luis Buñuel Film Posters
A couple of years ago, I picked up this (now tragically out of print) Luis Buñuel collection for a suspiciously cheap price. For about 30 of my wacky Australian dollars, I got the collection of 7 films, all the prints of which are of high quality. Each film boasts special features and, something that excited...

Mondo Exploito is on holiday!
You may have noticed the posts on Mondo Exploito slowing down in the last few weeks. Like most people, we’ve all been frantically wrapping up our real (boring) jobs before Christmas and New Years kick in. We’re all pretty damned exhausted and have decided to give Mondo Exploito a much needed holiday. We will be...

Artificial Artificial Eye DVDs
Earlier this year I spent some time doing something incredibly stupid yet incredibly fun. Most movie buffs with internet access have probably stumbled upon the fake Criterion phenomena. For those who haven’t, this is where movie fans use the iconic Criterion look and create covers for films they haven’t released. Some of these are excellent...

Kitchen Sink (1989)
A quick post from me this week while I try to catch up on the unreasonable amount of work I have to do, but it’s a good one! Alison Maclean’s fantastic short film from 1989, ‘Kitchen Sink’ is a genuinely creepy masterpiece of low budget horror. Here’s the synopsis from NZonScreen: Director Alison Maclean’s surreal...

Amazing releases from Death Waltz Recording Company
So, I don’t know how I missed this until now, but I stumbled across Death Waltz Recording Company yesterday and nearly had a horror-nerd heart attack. Death Waltz release deluxe vinyl records of soundtracks and scores, often for films that have not been seen on vinyl for decades or even never before. I highly recommend...