Vampire boob skewer
Even if you don't dig Doctor Vampire's jarring mix of genres, it's hard not to appreciate its more insane moments, like a reanimated corpse running around with a boner and, in the case of this week's clip, a vampire getting her boobs skewered.
Demon lady in Wicked City
Hong Kong's live action adaptation of Wicked City is a bit hit-or-miss, but it does have a handful of incredible moments. This scene featuring a demented demon lady is certainly one of those moments.
Cat + Microwave
We've featured the ridiculous Devil's Woman on Mondo before, but if you needed more prompting to see this braindead classic of CAT III cinema, here's an exploding cat.
Holding a fetus hostage in Devil’s Woman
Though not nearly as offensive as Category III's more famous shockers, Devil's Woman contains one ridiculous and repulsive scene worthy of a jaw drop.
Diary of a Serial Killer (1995)
Diary of a Serial Killer is only interested in getting two things out of its audience: titillation and revulsion. It achieves both with admirable success.
The Haunted Cop Shop (1987)
How deep did Wai's involvement run? I don't know. He may have written a really good script that was mostly ignored on set. Or, maybe, and I like think this is true, Wong Kar-Wai wrote a film where the protagonists kill a dog.