Bruce Willis punches up Vernon Wells
So why I am featuring a clip from a mediocre film starring Bruce Willis on Mondo Exploito? Well, on the receiving end of Bruce's beating is none other than Australia's second best man, Vernon Wells!
Plughead Rewired: Circuitry Man II (1994)
Vernon Wells was never a good actor. In fact, you could say he's one of the worst actors to have ever graced cinema. But what you get with a Vernon Wells performance isn't acting. It's art.
Fortress (1985)
WARNING: I’ve tried not to give away any specific details, but some sections of this article may border on spoilers. Even as an Australian, I can appreciate the Aussieness of kids in Australian films from the 1980s. While hearing “streuth” and “bloody oath” in films normally makes my fucking skin crawl, there’s something endearing about...