This is the end, my friends

This is the end, my friends

If you've been following our Facebook or if you've read our last couple of posts, you'll know that Mondo Exploito is closing its doors. This is, in fact, the last ever post.
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This is the end, my friends

This is the end, my friends

If you've been following our Facebook or if you've read our last couple of posts, you'll know that Mondo Exploito is closing its doors. This is, in fact, the last ever post.
The Cat (1992)

The Cat (1992)

This is about a kung fu space cat fighting an interstellar blob and it was directed by the dude who did Riki-Oh; how do you THINK this is gonna go down?
The Tiger Attacks aka The Beast is Loose - Czech poster

The Tiger Attacks aka The Beast is Loose – Czech poster

When I was asked to do Mondo Exploito's final ever poster of the week, I felt strangely intimidated by the task. I've been lucky enough to contribute to Mondo Exploito since the beginning and it sure is sad to see it end.
A very Aussie Christmas

A very Aussie Christmas

Goon bags. Baked beans. Eggs. Swearing. It's perfect. And though it's absurd, it's somehow incredibly accurate and reminds me of the Christmases of my childhood. Yikes.
Dora Goblin (ドーラゴブリン Dōra Goburin)

Dora Goblin (ドーラゴブリン Dōra Goburin)

Kyouryu Sentai Zyuranger is varied in its villains and monsters. They can be terrifying as fuck. They can be destructive forces of nature. Or they can be children-napping, accordion playing dorks.
The Malibu Bikini Shop - German poster

The Malibu Bikini Shop – German poster

I love how this poster for The Malibu Bikini Shop is as cartoonish as it is sleazy.
Oh my god!

Oh my god!

I'm watching Miami Connection for the first time tonight, and I'm fucking excited.
Massage Parlor Murders! (1973)

Massage Parlor Murders! (1973)

Massage Parlor Murders! is fucking great. It delivers on sleaze and stupidity. The death scenes are filthy and crass. The nudity is rampant and gratuitous. The performances are big and stupid.
Blazing Zippers - US poster

Blazing Zippers – US poster

Do I really need to give a preamble to this poster? Everything that is great about it SCREAMS at you without the need for critical dissection.
Secret toilet passageway

Secret toilet passageway

I can't believe this is my second clip of the week from Stuart Gordon's Space Truckers. I guess it must be a seminal sci-fi masterpiece after all...
The Deadly Camp (1999)

The Deadly Camp (1999)

It’s always interesting to see the debut film of a master filmmaker. It could be a brilliant slice of cinema that shows us genius from the beginning — like, say, John Cassavetes’s Shadows. Or, like Takashi Miike’s Red Hunter: Prelude to Kill, it could be a total pile of shit that offers no glimpse of...
Sometimes Aunt Martha Does Dreadful Things - US poster

Sometimes Aunt Martha Does Dreadful Things – US poster

The poster for Sometimes Aunt Martha Does Dreadful Things is a perfect example of less is more.