Rather than give you a poster this Sunday, I thought I’d post the latest from the always amazing The Dude Designs. If you’re not familiar with the work of The Dude Designs, real name Tom Hodge, then prepare to have your tits thoroughly blown off. On his blog, Hodge says the following about his work:

My aim with my design/illustration work is to bring back the lost magic of the film poster and video cover art. To paint, illustrate and hand assemble images which have personality, that invoke those memories/emotions you used to get when you held a video box in your hand or stared at an illustrated movie poster.

He certainly succeeds in his intent, time and time again, and has created posters and DVD/blu-ray covers that are already beloved by genre fans. Praise the exploitation gods for The Dude Designs! His latest work is a brilliant cover for They Live – a truly underrated film and one of John Carpenter’s best. Can’t wait to pick up this Scream Factory release!

Movie: They Live
Director: John Carpenter
Country of movie: USA
Year of movie: 1988
Year of blu-ray/DVD: 2012
Artist: The Dude Designs