Girls, Girls, Girls – German poster
I don't know what this movie is, but its poster is seriously freaking me out.
Radioactive Dreams – US poster
This poster for the 1985 comedy Radioactive Dreams is so gorgeously illustrated that it actually causes pain within my person.
Pulgasari (불가사리 Bulgasari)
While he is the product of a deeply troubling propaganda machine, Pulgasari is more exciting monster than many of his Japanese contemporaries.
School Spirit (1985)
We'll never get a movie like School Spirit again. And while that's probably a good thing, it's hard not to enjoy its total lack of scruples and singular goal to titillate and entertain in the trashiest and cheapest way possible.
Lifeforce – Japanese poster
Lifeforce is known in Japan under the more exciting title Space Vampire. There are a lot of great posters for Lifeforce, but I think this is my favourite.