TAETER CITY: Take a Tour in the City of Cannibal Dictatorship (2012)
If you're turned off by gore, you're given about three seconds to leave before shit hits the fan. If that's your thing, you've got about 80 minutes of spraying blood and crushed skulls ahead of you.
Anatomia Extinction (1995)
Anatommia Extinction is very much a film of its time portraying claustrophobia and misanthropy in a way only 1990s Japan knew how to deliver.
Holding a fetus hostage in Devil’s Woman
Though not nearly as offensive as Category III's more famous shockers, Devil's Woman contains one ridiculous and repulsive scene worthy of a jaw drop.
Absurd tongue torture in Japanese Hell
Jigoku is two unfinished films mashed awkwardly into one, and the results are as messy as you'd expect. The absurdity hits its peak towards the end of the film where we watch a bunch of evil assholes get tongue tortured.
Man gorily transforms into insectoid rapist alien
Tim Kincaid's Breeders is a magical movie full of bad acting, 80s boobs, and insectoid rapist aliens. I highly recommend checking it out. Maybe this short scene of chest-tearing transformation will wet your appetite?
Conquest (1983)
Conquest, for all its flaws, is actually kind of a good film. It's entertaining and certainly never boring. For Fulci fans I'd say that this movie is surprisingly essential if only to see the man's unique style in an unexpected setting.
Rest in… pieces, motherfucker!
Evil Ed (1995) is not a great film, but it is a bit of fun. To save you the trouble of seeking out the film, here is the best part (yes, it’s the ending – so, spoiler Nazis, please avoid). From the awkward (and dubbed) delivery of “rest in… [pause]… pieces, motherfucker” to the brilliant...